Miss Style, Strength And Grace With Deidra Murphy

51: You Can't Give from an Empty Cup - Putting your Self First



Self-care. This term keeps popping up everywhere – from Buzzfeed articles to the Huffington Post, and especially on social media. But what does self-care really mean? Is it just an excuse to blow off events, people, and responsibilities? No, probably not. Is it something – women especially – tend to put off, because it is more altruistic to put herself on the back burner? Always putting everyone’s needs before her own, from the kids, to the finances, to the house or her career. However, at what point does doing it all become actually a detriment to others? Or worse, actually cause harm to herself? In today’s episode, I share how I was trying to do it all for everyone. Be everywhere for everyone else, to the point where I ran myself ragged. My body literally decided to slow me down and tell me enough was enough. It needed a self-care day, and my body was not taking no for an answer. I share the episode today and my story of learning how to take a step back, in order to take three steps forward in the long run.