Miss Style, Strength And Grace With Deidra Murphy

38: Fight Back! How to Naturally Fight the Cold and Flu



The weather is changing, pollens are causing allergies, and everyone is sharing their…. Germs! How do we fight back against the invaders, colds, flus, and allergies while using natural products that aren’t toxic? In today’s episode, learn why over the counter conventional cold medicines actually weaken your immune system, make you sicker longer, and actually create long-term harm for your health. Then keep listening to find Deidra’s tried and true natural remedies that not only help you feel better in the worst of it, but will help strengthen your immune system so you can fight off future invaders. Favorite product links: Doterra OnGuard:  Apple Cider Vinegar:  Vitamin D:  Colloidal Silver:  Podcast interview with Dr. Chris: This is your one stop shop for style, fashion, health and fitness. Deidra’s passion is to help empower women. Deidra is Mrs. Washington 2017, has a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Whitworth University, and is a professional fashion stylist and health guru that helps women