Miss Style, Strength And Grace With Deidra Murphy

35: I Am NOT Everyone's Cup of Tea



Have you ever had a day where something someone said just put you in a funk? Made you feel inferior, less than, and striving to be liked by others? Just the other day, Deidra was there. After a not-so-nice comment and situation, Deidra had the realization she isn't everyone's cup of tea. But that is okay. Hear the story of what happened, how a grown woman bullied Deidra and told her to stop being Mrs. Washington, and how Deidra reacted. In today's show, Deidra is opening up and sharing her heart and her effort to stop being an addicted people-pleaser.   Link: https://www.facebook.com/DeidraAnneMurphy/videos/10100118127578775/   This is your one stop shop for style, fashion, health and fitness. Deidra’s passion is to help empower women. Deidra is Mrs. Washington 2017, has a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Whitworth University, and is a professional fashion stylist and health guru that helps women become more confident both inside and out.  Check out her story, free resources, and more at: FREE