Art Class Curator

14: Tips for Leading a Powerful Art Discussion with Cindy Ingram



Today I’m doing something I’ve never done before, and instead of having a guest, I’m going solo today. Join me as I answer frequently asked questions from listeners and students.    Show Highlights: Art Making versus Art Looking How to facilitate discussion during Art History  Techniques to try so your students will know you’re listening How to keep students engaged Why you learn to find comfort in the silence How to deal with insecurities of your knowledge of an art piece The versatility of teaching Art History Advice on how to teach art when nudity is involved  Why we need to embrace being uncomfortable How to avoid copycat artwork from students    Social Media Pull Quotes: Cindy: “You are modeling curiosity. You are modeling excitement about art. They are learning from you and your delight.”   “Even if you don’t know the answers immediately, you have the skills and techniques to get them.”   “There are things in life that are worth not avoiding. Learn to be okay with being uncomfortable.”   Resources: Re