Art Class Curator

10: Teaching in Low Income Schools with Amy Bultena and Danette Albino



Amy Bultena and Danette Albino are here to talk about their experience in teaching at Title 1 Schools, lower-income students. These ladies hit on a variety of topics from the importance of actually respecting your students as people to taking time to prioritize yourself. If you’re a soon-to-be-teacher wondering what to expect or a seasoned Vet looking for reassurance you’re not alone, this podcast is for you!   Show Notes: How to teach low-income kids when their most basic needs aren’t met The most important thing kids need in the classroom in Title 1 schools Why the Public Education System doesn’t necessarily know what’s best for its students The skills teachers were not prepared for, to nurture students The key to connecting with students in the classroom and cultivating those relationships The benefits of treating kids as people and not just as students Why it’s important to prioritize yourself alongside teaching Alternatives to self-help and therapy for Title 1 Teachers The thing we lose in stressful job