Art Class Curator

06: Visual Literacy for the 21st Century with Dr. Katie Monnin



It turns out that comics are good for kids.    Dr. Katie Monnin is here to tell you that art and language belong together, more than ever. She’s spent her career creating books on both how and why incorporating new graphic novels enhance visual learning and writing skills in students. More than that-- she’s also worked hard with a community of teachers to develop resources so teaching with graphic novels feels attainable and accessible to anyone.   Tune in for an energizing interview with Katie, and walk away with a plethora of tips and resources to bring into your first graphic novel lesson.     Show Highlights:   Katie explains what Pop Culture Classroom is and what it does Why it’s important to let kids read graphic novels What students learn from graphic novels Kate shares a powerful story of how the 9/11 attack changed her perception of the need for graphic novels How graphic novels are different from traditional cartoons Tips for developing quality lessons plan for graphic novels Katie shares about pan