Art Class Curator

05: Global Understanding through Art with Holly Bess Kincaid



Art class teacher Holly Bess Kincaid is changing the world within the walls of her classroom. Her students make up a strongly diverse community of learners, so different languages, cultures, and life experiences are something she not only plans for, but leverages to create powerful learning moments, using art as the conduit.   From practical tips on how to work with a variety of native languages in one classroom, to what projects have created the most excitement with students of all backgrounds, Holly Bess provides insights so that you can help students learn more about the world by learning from one another.     Show Highlights:   How to adapt your learning environment to a multilingual classroom The way art lessons can bring out cultural lessons between students Holly Bess shares an anecdote of celebrating Holi with a student’s family Ways teachers can get to know their students’ communities better Holly Bess shares about a particularly successful kite art project Tips on managing students’ behavioral issu