Ham Radio Now

HRN 383 - Orlando LIVE Test



HRN Host Gary KN4AQ scrambled to set up a new SIB* for the Orlando HamCation. He thought it was all working before he took it apart and hauled it to the 'fest.  He didn't. But the show must go on. Of after swatting bugs (the system kind, not the Florida kind... the HamCation isn't infested...) Thursday night and early Friday morning, Gary pushed the LIVE button, and Jason Johnston KC4HWB from HamRadio2.0 helped him launch this hamfest's series of shows. Most of the problems were video related, and while you'll hear about them, you won't see them. You also won't see that the whole show is out of sync. The subsequent shows worked better, after Gary beat on the system a little more. OK, a lot more. RADIO RATING: A. All these Orlando shows are Talking Heads in the SIB, so you don't need no stinking (out of sync) video. *Studio In a Booth