Walking Dharma

Episode 7: Overcoming the Obstacles



This week's podcast dives into the Yoga Sutras and the five 'kleshas' (obstacles) that hinder us from Self realization. The five kleshas are: ignorance, egoism, attachment, aversion and clinging to life. By understanding the kleshas and the ways they manifest in our day to day life we become more capable of overcoming them and recognizing our own true nature. To overcome ignorance we seek knowledge, to overcome egoism we recognize nothing is permanent and seek to identify with the unchanging internal (eternal) witnessing Self, to overcome attachment we let go, to overcome aversion we sit with discomfort, and to overcome clinging to life (fear) we trust the Universe to guide us. The song at the end of the podcast is special outro music produced by Karishtan. The name of the song is 'Trust' feat. Mitch Brady and is available for download via iTunes and Spotify.