Lane Kawaoka

139 - Optimize liquidity with Your Opportunity Fund



139 - Optimize liquidity with Your Opportunity Fund Full notes and webinars - Summary: Learn what how much money I keep on hand to pounce on deals and where do I keep it. Forget your Grandma's Emergency Fund... we are talking about your Opportunity fund to do deals (and avoid liquidity anxiety)! Have you heard of the Multifamily Investor Nation Summit, coming up on January 17th thru the 19th? It’s a three-day information packed event for multifamily investors, with over 1,000 attendees and over 50 speakers! You will hear from experts about finding deals, raising capital, underwriting strategies, selecting markets, and so much more! I have also been invited as one of the speakers to present on {your topic}. Go to to grab your ticket and use promo code {LANE} to get $100 off! Whether you are new to multifamily investing or a seasoned investor, you do not want to miss this event. Start 2019 off right by joining me at the Multifamily Investor Nation Summ