Beyond Pickles & Doughnuts: Creativity And Happiness Blog

Creative People Podcast Interview with Katrina Martin Davenport: Creative Career Changes



This week on the Beyond Pickles and Doughnuts Podcast we honor the professional creative choices made by photographer and mixed media collage artist Katrina Martin Davenport. Her undergraduate work was in journalism and english. However, since then, her journey has taken various creative turns including working as a substitute teacher, establishing her own professional tutoring company, and even becoming a published children's book author. In this internet radio interview, Katrina shares the importance of listening to one's heart. To read more about Katrina, checkout this feature article: The Art of Listening to Your Heart. Or listen to the entire interview below. The post Creative People Podcast Interview with Katrina Martin Davenport: Creative Career Changes appeared first on Beyond Pickles & Doughnuts: Creativity and Happiness Blog.