Mobile Couch

57: What Has Happened Before Will Happen Again



With the videos from the final NSConference out to watch for free, the couch discuss some favourites, as well as conferences in general. Plus, a brief look at presenting alternate view controllers, such as onboarding screens and login dialogs. After a brief (and ridiculous) discussion about what WWDC might have in store this year, Ben reveals that he has a list of his favourite videos from NSConference 7, and the couch spends some time discussing each one for a few minutes. Somewhere in the middle, they get sidetracked by a discussion of conferences, both first and third party, and Jelly’s one lament, which is that there isn’t more opportunities for conferences in Australia, while so many happen in America or Europe. With NSConference covered, Jake poses a couple of questions for Ben and Jelly to answer: how do you handle showing an onboarding sequence on first load, and how can you do something similar with login screens, showing a login modal over another modal if the user isn’t logged in?