Mobile Couch

47: Trepidation at Jumping Into Anything New



The couch answer a question about where they go to learn about new things, Jelly discusses his experiences so far with implementing extensions and Jake gets frustrated by the recent discussion of app rejections. Starting with follow-up about GitHub’s Swift style guide, Jake discusses what he likes and doesn’t like about it, like the preference of structs over classes. He also takes the opportunity to mention a blog post about comparing Swift and Objective-C. Jelly mentions that he’s still using Objective-C, and this leads to a short discussion between he and Jake about their respective approaches to Swift: Jelly being a bit wary of it, and Jake being very gung ho. The couch then decide to answer a question about where they get their information, and they go on to list some of the sources they use for information, including podcasts, blogs and Cocoaheads. With follow-up out of the way, Jelly brings up the topic of iOS8’s extensions and discusses the problems and decisions he’s come across so far in trying