Ask Julie Ryan

Episode 137 – Angelic Attendants



This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie gets to chat with a lot of callers about a multitude of topics. A woman from South Africa asks Julie to answer a couple of questions from her young son about why our spirits need confirmation they are going to Heaven when they die. His questions are very insightful and Julie answers them in a way he and others can understand. A caller from Ohio wants to know why she keeps thinking and dreaming of a former love who is now deceased and another caller from Ontario, Canada has questions for Julie about her abusive mother and the role she is playing in her life. A man joins the show and wants to know why three hawks are often on the driving range of the club where he is the golf pro. Julie tells him hawks are spiritual messengers and then proceeds to deliver their message. It is heartwarming. A caller from NYC asks Julie to scan her dying family member to see what phase of transition she is in and a gal from CA asks Julie to do a healing on