Kevin Whitsitt

Jealous Vs. Envious And Turning Negative Into Positive!



Click on the link below for training on the most important skill in Internet Marketing! Hey Wutzup today I want to talk about being Jealous vs being envious and turning these negative emotions into positive ones. When you think of jealousy what do think about? The first thing that comes to my mind is relationships. If I am with a girl and I see her flirting with another guy then I get a little worried that I'm going to lose her. This is being jealous. We have all experienced it. Having Envy is when someone has something you want. Maybe it's a better looking body, maybe it's a beautiful wife or a cool lifestyle. The interesting thing about envy is that it might actually be a good thing, because it is telling you that maybe your north star needs to change. You should be changing what you are doing to get what the other person has. I remember a long time ago I was listening to this podcast about travel hacks. I was a little jealous because this guy was tra