Public Speaking With David Murray

Two ways to use the stage and ‘Look like a public speaking expert’ – 031



In this episode I share with you two ways in which you can use the stage to make you look like a public speaking expert. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: I call the first technique ‘Anchoring’.  This is where you use your body and hands to emphasise different aspects of your speech. It is easy to use and gives your speeches and public speaking more impact. I call the second technique 'The timeline of your talk'.  Picture standing in front of your audience and talking: a) When you talk about the PAST (e.g. a previous experience at work) move your body to the RIGHT. b) When you talk about the FUTURE (e.g. a future proposal at work) move your body to the LEFT. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you become a confident speaker and communicator you can download my free top tips booklet here: If you like this public spe