Public Speaking With David Murray

Two things to remember if you ‘Forget your words’ – 027



If you ever worry that you won't be able to remember all of your speech and forget your words, this episode is here to help you with two great techniques. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: I call the first technique 'What to do if you forget your words'. It is something that can happen to all of us when we are standing in front of an audience. You get to a point in your speech but suddenly, you cannot remember what to say next. If this happens you should avoid looking at the ceiling or floor and instead maintain eye contact with your audience and therefore your connection with them. This will give you time to remember what you want to say next. I call the second technique 'The audience cannot read your mind’. And that's the secret. If you do miss out a bit of your speech, or jump ahead a little. The audience will never know.  So, simply pause... and continue. If you would like t