Public Speaking With David Murray

Two things you should do when ‘Preparing your talk’ – 026



In this episode I share with you two tips that will help you when you are preparing for your next talk or even presentation at work. I call the first tip 'KISS'. When preparing your material always have your audience (the listener) in mind. You want to ensure your message is received loud and clear. You do this by removing any jargon or longer words from your content which may be difficult for the audience to understand. So think 'KISS' (Keep It Super Simple) when preparing your pitches, presentations and talks. I call the second tip 'Keeping to time'. Would you believe that time can be your biggest obstacle to delivering effective pitches, presentations and speeches. This is because there will always be an expectation that you deliver them within a specified time. If you run out of time, it is likely you will be asked to stop and you won't be able to finish. What do you do to make sure you don't run out of time and ruin all your hard work? Have a stopwatch ready and time yourself when practicing. If you w