Public Speaking With David Murray

Give the listener a gift by ‘tying a bow’ over your talk – 018



We all like gifts, don't we? Well, here is a clever little technique for you to use when preparing to give your next talk. Give your listener a gift by 'tying a bow' over your talk. You do this by opening and ending with the same statement. This is a great way to show you have clearly thought about the structure of your talk, and boosts your talk in the memory of the listener. Do give it a try. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: In the next episode, if you ever struggle to find an idea to give a speech about, I have something that will help you. If you would like to discover more public speaking tips and techniques to become a confident speaker don't forget to subscribe to this public speaking coaching podcast. If you would like to find out more you can get in touch with David at