Me Being Me

E70 Secrets To The Perfect Green Smoothie



The secret of the green smoothie is more than I have one for breakfast everyday.  It is part of a process or ritual that I do to feed both my mind and body.  My daily scale, you may have heard me refer to it as the ladder, is a morning process that I do to set my mind and body for upcoming day.  It is not complicated, but it takes disciple to be committed to getting up at 5 am to work out.Many of the listeners and followers on social media drink a version every day as well. I am happy that you are giving yourself green love every day.  For those who have not made one before, I will tell how to make the perfect smoothie.  I may say perfect because my sister Jenn,  who has been having her own green smoothie almost every day for breakfast this year, said mine was better than hers.I challenge you to take action  - go make a green smoothie right now. If you do not love it, message me so we can talk about what you did possibly could not like.