Me Being Me

E47 Relationship With Money



Money. Money. Money. What is it but the agreement of value.  You pay exchange currency for items or services, like coaching.Man, my relationship with money has not always been the best. There were times, as a coach, I needed client's money to survive. To be in that constant state of survival, money could cloud my vision.  I would posture and position myself as this individual who had it all figured out.  Being this inauthentic self-affected my value, abundance and clarity.What I have learned is that my subconscious mind does not believe I'm worth the money.  It was always trying to find ways to sabotage any success.  Of course, I would find a way to make it more complex.  Until I'm willing to really confront how I truly feel about it, I'm just going to continue to go in circles and be stuck.Today I had a conversation with someone that I owe money to. I had been avoiding the conversation. It was uncomfortable.  My ego and this feeling was robbing me of the valuable time that I could go and create something of