Me Being Me

E39 How to Flip a Story to Find Another's Perspective



On my journey of Me Being Me, I am striving to thrive in the moment. To find the gems and be in wonder of every moment. It is not always easy, but the more I do this, the easier I find them.My wife had been working on her business late, so I was letting her sleep in. As a parent of FIVE kids, you never know what you could walk into with all of them together. I walked into the kitchen to find milk spilled everywhere, bread crumbs all over, and kids in poopy diapers.  OMG it was a mess!At that moment, many parents would have gotten very angry at the mess. I took this as a learning opportunity.  The gap between stimulus and response allows for more awareness to choose meaning and perspective to transform yourself into the version you create.  What was the gem? What was the story I was telling myself? What was the perspective from my children's point of view.  In those few moments, it was up to me on how I chose to see them.  This story is just a simple example on how you can apply this to every aspect of your li