Me Being Me

E31 The Commited Game to Play



It was late. I was hungry and hot.  There was a choice between going to a Jack In The Box for dinner or going back to knock on doors.  I knew there was only one real choice, one decision to make.  Althought there was no capacity in me to keep working for several more hours, the alternative was not acceptable.  Instead I had to break it down into little steps. What actions could I complete in that moment to move me forward to that door, any door to knock upon.Listen to this podcast to hear how I took steps to change my mindset, which changed my body. Before I knew it, I was knocking on that first door. Yes I said first door.  Before I knew it, I had talked to several more individuals. There was momentum building.The outcome was from outlining and articulating a process, I was able to turn things around and make great human connections. There is something amazing about being ON and CONNECTED with another human being.  It is hard to describe. Have you ever had a task that seemed too big to complete? What is the