Me Being Me

E9 Resistance Can NOT Stop You!



Have you ever been attached to a feeling, especially a not postive one? One that sits in the back of you brain and festers. Oh I hate the word "fester" as much as "puss", but that is what those thoughts do in my brain. It taps my energy, I start to judge myself harshly.  Basically I become OFF.Off means someone is not tuned in, tapped in, turned on or that even their emotions are in line.  When a possiblity shows up, that person can not take any effective action.  Is there a way to break throught it?  Am I going to tell you? Yah, but inside the podcast. :-)The quick tip that I will tell you is not be attached to the way I or you feel. It is where I have been stuck many times before.  I am not a master of this or am perfect, but let my lessons of Me Being Me help you see what you had not been seeing before.Check out my website or my instragram account to learn additional ways to that together we can stop worrying about tomorrow and be present today. Fighting the battle that needs to be fought