The Wade Alters Show

90. Inside The Mind of Tai Lopez’s Copywriter: Mikhail Kuznetsov



Yo whatup I’m sure you know who Tai Lopez is, right? I actually met him back in 2013 with a bunch of other dating coaches. Back at the time, he had a much smaller mansion compared to the one he has today. It’s crazy to see how far he’s come since then and the massive success he’s seen. Not only does he have a bigger mansion, lambo’s, girls… but more businesses and his social media has reached new levels. Wanna know the biggest differences that's brought him to where he is today? One that shapes all his snapchat stories, the purpose of the mansion, cars, girls, books... You ready? It’s his copywriting. He had really good copywriters working for him. And one of his secret weapons, who was his best copywriter, was Mikhail. People see where Tai is today and don’t realize where he’s come from and what he’s had to do, to get to where he is today. But there’s a backstory of climbing to success, coming from nothing, just like most other entrepreneurs out there. So I had Mikhail, his former copywriter and right-hand m