Walking Dharma

Episode 18: The Beauty of Letting Go



This week's podcast dives into the yama (abstinence) of aparigraha (non-greed; non-covetousness). "When non-greed is confirmed, a thorough illumination of the how and why of one's birth comes."- Yoga Sutras 2:39 When we stop striving to achieve certain experiences, states of being, or material items, we become established in non-greed. Non-greed is essentially to have gratitude for all that IS here with us currently, without longing or hanging onto what isn't there. This can apply to material items, relationships and power struggles. The more we become capable of letting go of needing to have something, even answers about our purpose in life, the answers arrive on their own accord. Life takes it's natural course towards our spiritual destination. There is no need to rush the process or search for answers. Rather if we become patient and humble, the answers and our higher purpose become apparent. Basically, "illumination of how and why one's birth" refers to understanding why we are here on this Earth, Sel