Anita's Musings

America: What Are We Doing?!!!



Update: New relevant story from holocaust survivor. I cannot believe people are denying the holocaust happened! Here is a true story by a Jewish man in a concentration camp and an American GI that couldn't believe what they saw when they arrived there.   I read a disturbing article in The Washington Post . To say I am outraged would be a gross understatement. The article is ‘Taking Anne Frank Off Shelves: Indefensible‘ and I was horrified as I read it. There was no reason to do this and it is indefensible!  This is a very historically poignant week. That is the reason for this podcast. It is Holocaust Remembrance Week and I will not ever forget! Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. George Santayana "Evil Triumphs When Good People Do Nothing." – unkno