The Tom & Jo Show

The Tom & Jo Show – Episode 8: Time (Part 1)



Time. Where does it all go, eh? We finally sat down and recorded an episode after half a year or so! This time we're talking about... well, time. It hasn't felt like six months since we sat down and recorded our Room 101 show, but somehow it has been. Instead of doing a full show, we've split it into two parts, this first one where we give a brief introduction to the theme and the second part, which will (hopefully) include some listener feedback about how you deal with time. Is there anything you do to maximise your free time? Do you find that time slips away without you realising it? If so, do you see this as a negative or positive? Please do get in contact on Facebook, Twitter or send in longer messages (maybe even video/audio messages!) to We look forward to hearing from you and discussing your views. And finally, thank you for sticking with us through the silence. We'll really try to be more regular in future.