Coma Radio

COMA radio : multi-purpose broken hearts



State Radio - Keepsake Joseph Arthur - Exhausted Puddle Of Mudd - Blurry Sneaker Pimps - Walk The Rain Dave Matthews - Dreaming Tree Bjork - All Is Full Of Love 7.10.08 : love you dad It's 2:05p and I've littered my mind with nostalgia and alcohol. I've been choking on a broken heart since that morning's 6:06a. I don't know what to do with myself. I've been wrapped in a numb haze that has nothing better to do than keep me company with it's consistency. I feel alone and unguided. My grandfather is gone and I don't know how to put my own two feet together and keep moving through this draining disaster. How do you accept this much of a magnified loss. How do you accept the loss of life that's been applied to the strongest branch of your family tree. I don't know how to feel what I want to feel or say what I want to say. I'm a functional wreck. I've been carrying his pi