Cpa Reviewed: The Cpa Exam Podcast

Another71 CPA Exam Podcast #86



  CPA Reviewed CPA Exam Podcast #86 - Motivation to Study for the CPA Exam - Taking the CPA Exam Immediately Following College - Supplementing with NINJA vs. Using NINJA Exclusively - What to Study During CPA Exam Test Week - When to do SIMS and Practice Tests for the CPA Exam - Are NINJA Flashcards the Same as NINJA Notes?   Have a CPA Exam Study Question? Send it below and I'll personally answer as soon as possible.   First Name*Email* Question?*Please tell us about your CPA Exam status.AUD Exam Status*Select OneCurrently StudyingNeed to PassPassedBEC Exam Status*Select OneCurrently StudyingNeed to PassPassedFAR Exam Status*Select OneCurrently StudyingNeed to PassPassedREG Exam Status*Select OneCurrently StudyingNeed to PassPassed