Cpa Reviewed: The Cpa Exam Podcast

CPA Reviewed #75 – Sweating April 2017 CPA Exam Changes



CPA Reviewed #75: Friday February 10, 2017 1. Rich – Jeff - I have purchased the NINJA notes for FAR and I have Wiley CPAexcel. Should I watch the videos? Should I read the book and then do the questions? Should I just rewrite your notes and not use CPAexcel? 2. Terry – Hi Jeff - Unfortunately, I just got my score back yesterday on BEC and I failed with a 68. It doesn't make much sense to me because I failed BEC back in November with a 73.I could probably recite the formulas and mnemonics to you. In school I was always a good test taker, I just can't seem to pass these exams. What are your suggestions? 3. Dshankar – Hello Jeff - I am writing to you for my wife. She just got her REG score and she got a 74, again! Its like her 10th 74 in a CPA exam. She has been studying since 2012. Both of us are mentally exhausted as we started studying together and I was done in 2013. She still so far from it and she always does her best. She’s always prepared well with high scores in all the mock tests before the e