Chew The Ph@tt

#8 The Health Changing Magic of Water



Do you struggle to drink the water you need throughout the day? Today Sue and Sarah are diving into why water is such an amazing, health-supporting thing that you can easily incorporate more of in your daily routines. Sarah shares some interesting statistics on the percentage of the human body that is made up of water including your kidneys being comprised 79% water – and simply by improving your intake, your kidneys are able to flush out all the toxins that can build up in your body with more ease and efficiency. Sue shares how water supports food to break down and be digested, and aid with bowel movements being smooth and even plays a role in alleviating fatigue and lifting brain fog. Really, water is a life-giving liquid we all need more of! Sue and Sarah chat about the hot weather – especially in Australia where heat waves are frequent. How much should you be drinking, especially in the heat? How can you get all those liters in through the day? And what about drinking tea and coffee – does that count as y