Thought Project With Ashley Rothstein

Episode #001: Matt McDannel



Matt McDannel has a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering, and holds extensive experience and knowledge around intermittent and prolonged fasting. Matt coached me through my first 72-hour fast and provided some extremely useful information that changed my life when it comes my relationship/awareness around my addiction to food. Not only is he a seasoned faster, he also calls himself a jack of all trades in metaphysics – from manifestation and astrology to becoming the best version of yourself. While this episode is focused on fasting, we get into a lot of other cool stuff, and I personally enjoyed the segment on the interconnectedness between fasting and spirituality. Hearing Matt explain how you can be both grounded and elevated at the same time is a concept I hadn’t grasped before, but intrigued me! Watch this podcast: P.S. I had some issues with my audio interface, so my voice sounds a bit robotic. Still working out the kinks. Connect with me: IG: @ashrothstein www.ashleyrot