Public Work: A Public Humanities Podcast

Episode 07: Maggie Unverzagt Goddard and Mika Matsuno on BAD ART



What is Bad Art? Where do our ideas about aesthetics come from and how do those ideas change over time? Have you ever taken a still life class where the model was a dog? What does Enya have to do with all of this? Find out in our conversation with Maggie Unverzagt Goddard and Mika Matsuno, the Brown University students behind a crowdsourced exhibition on Bad Art. This episode is part of our series on Gallery Lab, an exciting collection of pop-up exhibitions, performances, and other programming hosted by the John Nicholas Brown Center for Public Humanities and Cultural Heritage (Brown University). Public Work is produced and hosted by Amelia Golcheski and Jim McGrath. Questions? Comments? Find us on Twitter (PublicWorkPod) or email us: publicworkpodcast[at]gmail. The music on this episode is excerpted from the song "New Day" by Lee Rosevere (licensed via Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International).