Sugar Mom By Robin Marshall

Diary of a Sugar Mom Chapters 1-6 repeat



This was last Thursday's episode! Tomorrow the new episode comes out! I'm only trying to get you caught up to speed before moving on. This is straight from the audiobook called "The Diary of a Sugar Mom. Don't Tell the Kids!" I wrote this book, released it and while on tour found out I was walking around with Ovarian Cancer. The meaning of a Sugar Mom is a woman who knows how to live her life in a less ordinary way; she takes risks; makes a situation work, no matter what; and she's strong and brave for those who love her. If a Sugar Mom gets knocked down, she stands back up and dusts herself off for round Two! Thus, having been hospitalized twice, having the cancer removed along with a full hysterectomy, followed by six horrific rounds of chemotherapy... I continued my tour with my book! THAT'S what a Sugar Mom would do! Please enjoy and think about the lengths you'd go to, to protect your children. If push came to shove, and your family was in dire straights - could you have sex for money?