R. Glenn Kelly

Ep.17 Your Griefcase_Grief and Bereavement Support_The Bring Your Own Grief Network



Ep.17 Your Griefcase_Grief and Bereavement Support_The Bring Your Own Grief Network A Griefcase is a fantastic concept for processing and healing after the loss of a loved one. Join R, Glenn Kelly as he discusses how to compartmentalize your caustic and confusing emotions and keep the waves of grief from overcoming you not only early on after a loss, but through the new normal of your life...all the while keeping your lost loved in your life and in your heart. Look for other grief and bereavement support episodes here on the Bring Your Own Grief YouTube Network Studios. All presentations provide hope, healing, and moving forward in our grief journeys. Download the audio as Podcasts at iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, iHeart Radio....search by the name R. Glenn Kelly. For more information on R. Glenn, as well as grief support resources, please visit the BYOG Network on Facebook, or on www.rglennkelly.com. R. Glenn is also a Keynote Speaker and Workshop Presenter...Demo videos are available on the website. Co