R. Glenn Kelly

Ep.12 Taking Your Grief to Work_Bring Your Own Grief Network



Taking Your Grief to Work - Returning to the Job After the Loss of a Loved One - Ep. 12 from R. Glenn Kelly and the Bring Your Own Grief Network. How do you return to work after loss of a loved one? Help for a grieving employee. And help for those at work who support and work with the bereaved worker. Tune into this BYOG presentation by grieving father, grief support author and speaker, R. Glenn Kelly for valuable insight not only for the grieving man, but for those who support him through his grief journey. Look for other grief and bereavement support episodes here on YouTube and the BYOG Network. All present hope, healing, and moving forward in our grief journeys. For more information on R. Glenn, as well as grief support resources, please visit www.rglennkelly.com. R. Glenn is also a Keynote Speaker and Workshop Presenter...Demo videos are available on the website. Contact R. Glenn at rglennkelly@rglennkelly.com. See all of R. Glenn's award winning grief and bereavement support books at: https://www.amazon