Real Estate Rockstars

345: Bubba Mills: How to Build Your Business and Still Succeed at What Really Matters



Bubba Mills is the Chief Executive Officer for Corcoran Coaching; which is an International Real Estate Coaching Company. With Bubba's background in Default Servicing, and his current role as CEO of Corcoran Coaching, he is an advocate for the Real Estate Community. Bubba promotes best practices and the development of innovative ideas in REO/Asset management. He is an outspoken advocate of compassionate REO disposition, and corporate responsibility. With over two decades of experience being an entrepreneur, Bubba realized he is not just a business owner. He has a servant’s heart with a natural talent and gift of creating wealth, the sole purpose of being a Coach & Consultant. Bubba's personal motto is: "My business card is made of paper; My handshake is made of Gold!" Join us as Bubba shares his mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by moving people forward toward creating multiple pillars of revenue, which will help them achieve their goals. Learn more about your ad choices.