Spiritual Charlotte

Juicy Interview with Psychotherapist & ICU Talks CoFounder, Kim Honeycutt - YES!



Kim Honeycutt has a story and that story to could help save your life. That's what she hopes - that shared stories through her program, ICU Talks, a mental heath ministry at Mosiac Church in Charlotte, will help you see that you're not alone, and will allow you to witness God's love and the God moments that exist in your life. Kim is a local Psychotherapist who candidly shares her story of alcohlism, abuse, trauma, rejection, pain, failure, self-hatred and the redemptive power of Jesus' love in her life. She's crazy-insightful, crazy-funny, and as she'll tell you, just plain crazy! Like us at Spiritual Charlotte, it is important to her that people know there is a place where they can come as they are, where they don't have to suffer alone, or have all the answers, and where perfection is left outside the church doors. She says perception is everything, and we have to look at how we are perceiving ourselves. Through whose eyes do you pereceive yourself? Join us as we go deep with Kim Honeycutt and explore t