Spiritual Charlotte

Last Look at The Deeper Insights of Cycles & Seasons Through Goddess Wisdom



In ancient history and even just 200 years ago, western society and cultures around the world were more consciously connected to natural cycles and seasons. In modern times, we are distanced from an understanding of what life's seasons and natural cycles have to teach us and remind us. In our second epsiode on seasons, we are drawing from Goddess Wisdom, one of the best traditions for honoring and preserving our connections to the natural world, our bodies, our personal power, and the heart callings of all people, but most especially women. We will draw on the work of Author/Teacher, Nancy Blair, to revive the wisdom of some of the Goddesses of Autumn: Kuan Yin, Medicine Woman, Inanna, and Demeter. We will also look at what is lost when the femine aspects of God and/or Spiritual Myth/Oracle are rejected by our culture and what is gained when they are revived! Join us as we stir the seasonal soup that is Goddess Wisdom!