Walking Dharma

Episode 22: Finding Emotional Freedom



This week's podcast explores what it takes to move from a reactive state to a response-able state of being. When we are reactive we are triggered and allow strong emotions to overtake our awareness. When strong emotions such as anger, guilt, sadness, or fear arise we are thrown off center and act from a place of past conditioning (we re-en-act a behavioral pattern that we have witnessed and been conditioned into). Reactivity is almost always rooted in keeping our awareness stuck in auto-pilot. We have been shown by others from a young age that certain things should produce certain emotional responses, which has conditioned us into the same belief systems and behavioral tendencies. When we react, we also project. Meaning, when a strong emotion is triggered, we project that strong emotion onto others, believing that the outer stimulus (person, event, or place) made us feel that way. The truth is, nothing can make us feel angry unless we choose that for ourselves (subconsciously). No one is guilty and nothing