Native Trailblazers

First Nations Youth Hockey Team racially taunted at tournament, called savages



A youth team of First Nations hockey players was the victim of racist insults, war whoops and chants while competing in a Quebec City youth tournament about a week ago. The First Nation Elites Bantam AAA hockey team is comprised of First Nations hockey players aged 13-15 from Quebec, Ontario and Nova Scotia. Tonight we will talk with team manager Tommy Neeposh, Cree from Nemaska. Watch his posted video. Shé:kon and Thanks for joining Native Trailblazers! The Native Show with over a million listeners worldwide!  For over eight years, our award-winning Native themed online radio show has been delivering the hottest topics in Indian Country to your desktop, mobile or other listening devices! Listen in every Friday night at 8pm or any time after in archives! HOSTS: Vincent Schilling (Producer, Speaker, Journalist, Author, VP Schilling Media)  and Delores Schilling (CEO, Schilling Media, Inc.) Join our chat room Here's How   Website www.NativeTrailbla