Native Trailblazers

Colleen Cardinal: Sixties Scoop Survivor & Co-Founder of Nat'l Indig. Survivors



Colleen Cardinal: Sixties Scoop Survivor & Co-Founder of The National Indigenous Survivors of Child Welfare Network. NISCW Network is a not-for-profit organization comprised of an Indigenous board of directors. Each director has their own story of being apprehended by social services, being torn from their communities and families and placed in a non-Indigenous environment. - Colleen Cardinal (Plains Cree) is an Indigenous adoptee of the 60's scoop, daughter of a residential school survivor and has had two women murdered in her family - hear her story tonight. Shé:kon and Thanks for joining Native Trailblazers! The Native Show with nearly a million listeners worldwide!  For over eight years, our award-winning Native themed online radio show has been delivering the hottest topics in Indian Country to your desktop, mobile or other listening devices! Listen in every Friday night at 8pm or any time after in archives! HOSTS: Vincent Schilling (Producer, Speaker, Journalist, Author, VP Schilli