Native Trailblazers

The True, Sad & Tragic - REAL HISTORY of Pocahontas



Tonight on Native Trailblazers: The True, Sad & Tragic - REAL HISTORY of Pocahontas. Despite what many people believe due to movies such as Disney’s Pocahontas, the true story of Pocahontas is not one of a young Native Powhatan woman with a raccoon friend. The REAL HISTORY of Pocahontas is a tale of tragedy and heartbreak. READ MY ARTICLE HERE. Shé:kon and Thanks for joining Native Trailblazers! The Native Show with over half a million listeners worldwide!  HOSTS: Vincent Schilling (Producer, Speaker, Journalist, Author, VP Schilling Media)  and Delores Schilling (CEO, Schilling Media, Inc.) Join our chat room Here's How   Website  Mailing List -  iTunes Podcasts-