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Interview: Hypnotist Melvin Marsh: Understanding the LGBTQ Community as Healers



In this episode we will speak with Melvin Marsh around how to help healing professionals work with the LGBTQ community in an honoring and consious way to help the world develop with compassion and kindness around sensitive matters that also blend with our day to day communities.   Melvin Marsh is a practicing hypnotherapist in Augusta, Georgia with particular interests in medical hypnosis, phobias, and anxiety. While attending medical school, hypnotherapy was suggested to him to deal with his own anxiety problem caused by a residual medical phobia. As hypnotherapy started to relieve the symptoms, he realized he could use hypnosis to help his future patients. Eventually, he realized he liked hypnotherapy more than biochemistry and left medical school to pursue studies at HMI College of Hypnotherapy where he graduated with honors. Melvin’s educational background includes a B.S. in Anthropology and Human Biology from Emory University, a M.S. in Space Studies (focus on aerospace psychology) from the University