"through The Darkness" W Christine Corda And Rev Frank Martino

James Westly..... Author of "My Journey To Now"



  One of the most interesting and compelling books you can read on your quest towards "wholeness" "My Journey To Now" takes us on a journey of understanding and clarity in the most difficult of places...our minds. What can thoughts do?  Can our thoughts run our lives? How can we overcome negative thoughts?    Tonight we will be exploring those and many other topics with James Westly as we discuss his book ~ "My Journey To Now" James Westly, MC, LPC, is a psychotherapist, consultant, speaker, and writer whose passion is the search for, the practice and dissemination of techniques that develop the Human Spirit. Dr Westly teaches what it means to be Awake and Aware; the inner practices that facilitate Presence; the application of inner practices that facilitate Present-Moment awareness; how to assess how much of one’s attention is focused in the Here and Now.    www.jameswestly.com James resides in Phoenix, AZ, USA. You may contact him at 602.469.7105 or at jwestly@cox.net for therapy, corporate tra