Marla Martenson

Sex And Dating Over 50



Marla chats with Dr. Megan Fleming about how to have great sex after 50 and what women can do if they lost their mojo or sex is just to painful to be interested anymore. Dr. Megan Fleming is a nationally recognized certified Sex & Relationships Expert. She has over 15 years of experience working with individuals and couples to discover what’s getting in their way and teaches them the skills and strategies to get the sex and relationships they want. Dr. Fleming is also a clinical instructor at the Weil Cornell Medical College. Kegal Exerciser we mentioned in the show: Marla Martenson is a  matchmaker, dating coach for women, healer and the author of three memoirs, Diary of a Beverly Hills Matchmaker, Hearts On The Line & The Buddha Made Me Do It. She has been featured on countless TV & radio shows including the Today Show, Beyond Belief, Coast to Coast am with George Noory and Fade 2 Black with Jimmy Church. Join Marla on Patreon!