Can A Playa Play?

Unblock your energy and create the Lifestyle, money and relationships you desire



Glenn Ackerman has had an interesting journey in his life.  Originally a trained musician, Glenn had big plans to set the music world on fire. But growing up he watched his mother suffer from both physical and emotional pain that her doctors could find no cause for. He began a relentless search and understanding for a healing method that could help his mother release her pain.  On that journey for many years,  Glenn realized he had his own issues with anxiety, fears and panic attacks , and in addition to helping his mother, He wanted to heal himself.  He learned and applied many different methods in his search for wholeness.  From traditional counseling and talk therapy, to reading books, taking seminars, doing trainings, to more "Out there" methods like firewalking , sweat lodges, vision quests, group dynamics, NLP, and many various healing methods.  After healing himself , Glenn began helping others with what he had discovered and the method became Energy Awareness Training.  This training has s