Pac Insights

The Nurturer's Coach, Hueina Su



Hueina Su, The Nurturer’s Coach™, is a renowned expert in helping people find the missing peace in their stressful lives. She is a certified life coach, national keynote speaker, author, creator of Rx For Balance™ coaching program, and the founder & president of Beyond Horizon Coaching, a coaching and training company specializing in providing solutions for Stress Management, Work Life Balance, and Intensive Self-Care. Hueina started her first career as a registered nurse, and has more than 20 years of experience in nursing, coaching, counseling, speaking, training, sales, and small business. In her upcoming book, Intensive Care for the Nurturer’s Soul: 7 Keys to Nurture Yourself While Caring for Others, she shares insightful principles and practical strategies from her own life experiences as a Nurturer, her unique blend of Eastern philosophy, and her years of coaching and counseling clients. It’s an indispensable guide for anyone who nurtures others in their personal or professional lives. Hueina s