Quantum Conversations With Lauren Galey

Quantum Conversation with JoAnne Palladino - Clearing the Path to Self-Love



Clear Your Path to Self-Love with JoAnne Palladino & Shmaya, the Beings of Light In a world where we’ve been raised to put others first, self-love can often feel self-centered. Setting aside time for self-love may cause feelings of guilt, and we often struggle to maintain a dedicated self-love practice. It can be frustrating. We know we need self-love, yet we have difficulty giving ourselves permission to allow it. We were never taught self-love in school, and most of us didn’t learn about self-love in our homes or churches. What has the absence of self-love cost you in your relationship with yourself and others? If you’re like most people, this has caused break-ups, divorces, shallow relationships, bad business deals and sorrow. ACCESS JOANNE PALLADINO'S SPECIAL OFFER: www.acoustichealth.com/HCs11joannep.htm REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS www.acoustichealth.com